Cryptome DVDs are offered by Cryptome. Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome 12-and-a-half-years collection of 47,000 files from June 1996 to January 2009 (~6.9 GB). Click Paypal or mail check/MO made out to John Young, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024. The collection includes all files of,,,, and, and 23,100 (updated) pages of counter-intelligence dossiers declassified by the US Army Information and Security Command, dating from 1945 to 1985.The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost.


               Public Access to Court Electronic Records

                       Docket Report Output Menu

          Docket for case  1:94cr00057-0  consists of  15  pages.

  Case was last updated on:  08/11/97 .  Report was generated on:   8/11/97 .

PACER session date: Thursday May 28, 1998 05:08:16 PM EST
Case docket was last updated on: 08/11/97.

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 1

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
                       U.S. District Court
            Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria)

            CRIMINAL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 94-CR-57-ALL

USA v. Kinney, et al                                        Filed: 02/16/94
Dkt# in other court: None

Case Assigned to:  Judge Unassigned

LEMUEL KINNEY (1)                 Joseph Ferrusi
     defendant                    [COR LD NTC ret]
                                  2009 N. 14th Street
                                  Suite 410
                                  Arlington, VA 22201
                                  (703) 528-5999

                                  Robert Stanley Powell
                                  [COR LD NTC ret]
                                  2200 Wilson Blvd
                                  Suite 800
                                  Arlington, VA 22201
                                  (703) 527-6664

                                  Neil Sanders
                                   [term  02/28/94]
                                  [COR LD NTC ret]
                                  Neil Sanders and Associates
                                  2212 East 4th Avenue
                                  Tampa, FL 33605
                                  (813) 248-2998

                                  Lemuel Kinney
                                  [COR LD NTC] [PRO SE]
                                  12508 Clydesdale Court
                                  Tampa, Fl 33626

Defendant Assigned to:  Judge Leonie M. Brinkema

Pending Counts:                          Disposition

18:371 CONSPIRACY to Defraud      Dismissed on US motion.
the U.S. by Wire Fraud; by        (1)
False Statements; by False
Claims; and by Money
Laundering.   (June 1992)

18:1343 & 2 Wire Fraud. (Ct.      Dismissed on US motion.
2: 2/26/91); (Ct. 3: 2/27/91);    (2 - 5)

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 2

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
(Ct. 4: 2/28/91); (Ct. 5:
(2 - 5)

18:1001 & 2 FALSE STATEMENTS.     Dismissed on US motion.
(3/12/91)                         (6)

18:1956 & 2 Money Laundering.     Dismissed on US motion.
FORFEITURE w/      Respect to     (8)
Count 8.

18:1343 & 2 WIRE FRAUD. (Ct.      Dismissed on US motion.
9: 4/05/91); (Ct. 10:             (9 - 10)
5/20/91);   (Ct. 11:
(9 - 10)

18:1343 & 2 WIRE FRAUD. (Ct.      24 mo.'s B.O.P., 5 yrs. sup.
9: 4/05/91); (Ct. 10:             rel.; amended 1-17-95 to
5/20/91);   (Ct. 11:              reflect 3 yrs. of sup. rel. not
12/18/91).                        5
(11)                              (11)

18:1001 & 2 FALSE STATEMENTS.     Dismissed on US motion.
(Ct. 12: 5/30/91); (Ct. 13:       (12)
6/27/91); (Ct. 14: 7/31/91).

18:1957 & 2 Engage in Monetary    24 mo.'s B.O.P., 5 yrs. sup.
Transactions in Criminally        rel.; amended 1-17-95 to
derived property. (4/04/91)       reflect 3 yrs. of sup. rel. not
FORFEITURE w/        Respect      5
to Count 20.                      (20)

Offense Level (opening): 4

Terminated Counts:                       Disposition

18:287 & 2 FALSE CLAIMS.          Dismissed on US motion.
(4/02/91)                         (7)

18:1001 & 2 FALSE STATEMENTS.     Dismissed on US motion.
(Ct. 12: 5/30/91); (Ct. 13:       (13 - 14)
6/27/91); (Ct. 14: 7/31/91).
(13 - 14)

18:287 & 2 FALSE STATEMENTS.      Dismissed on US motion.
(Ct. 15: 6/10/91); (Ct. 16:       (15 - 17)

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 3

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
7/08/91); (Ct. 17: 8/12/91).
(15 - 17)

18:1956 & 2 Money Laundering.     Dismissed on US motion.
(Ct. 18: 12/20/91); (Ct. 19:      (18 - 19)
FORFEITURE w/ Respect to
Counts 18 &  19.
(18 - 19)

18:1957 & 2 Engage in a           Dismissed on US motion.
Monetary Transaction in           (21)
Criminally   derived property.
FORFEITURE w/       Respect to
Count 21.

Offense Level (disposition): 4




Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 4

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
Case Assigned to:  Judge Unassigned

INC. (2)                           [term  04/08/94]
     defendant                    [COR LD NTC cja]
 [term  04/08/94]                 2200 Wilson Blvd
                                  Suite 800
                                  Arlington, VA 22201
                                  (703) 527-6664

                                  Neil Sanders
                                   [term  02/28/94]
                                  [COR LD NTC ret]
                                  Neil Sanders and Associates
                                  2212 East 4th Avenue
                                  Tampa, FL 33605
                                  (813) 248-2998

Defendant Assigned to:  Judge James C. Cacheris

Pending Counts:


Terminated Counts:                       Disposition

18:371 CONSPIRACY to Defraud      Dismissed on US motion.
the U.S. by Wire Fraud; by        (1)
False Statements; by False
Claims; and by Money
Laundering.   (June 1992)

18:1343 & 2 Wire Fraud. (Ct.      Dismissed on US motion.
2: 2/26/91); (Ct. 3: 2/27/91);    (2 - 5)
(Ct. 4: 2/28/91); (Ct. 5:
(2 - 5)

18:1001 & 2 FALSE STATEMENTS.     Dismissed on US motion.
(3/12/91)                         (6)

18:287 & 2 FALSE CLAIMS.          Dismissed on US motion.
(4/02/91)                         (7)

18:1956 & 2 Money Laundering.     Dismissed on US motion.
FORFEITURE w/      Respect to     (8)
Count 8.

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 5

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
18:1343 & 2 WIRE FRAUD. (Ct.      Dismissed on US motion.
9: 4/05/91); (Ct. 10:             (9 - 11)
5/20/91);   (Ct. 11:
(9 - 11)

18:1001 & 2 FALSE STATEMENTS.     Dismissed on US motion.
(Ct. 12: 5/30/91); (Ct. 13:       (12 - 14)
6/27/91); (Ct. 14: 7/31/91).
(12 - 14)

18:287 & 2 FALSE STATEMENTS.      Dismissed on US motion.
(Ct. 15: 6/10/91); (Ct. 16:       (15 - 17)
7/08/91); (Ct. 17: 8/12/91).
(15 - 17)

18:1956 & 2 Money Laundering.     Dismissed on US motion.
(Ct. 18: 12/20/91); (Ct. 19:      (18 - 19)
FORFEITURE w/ Respect to
Counts 18 &  19.
(18 - 19)

18:1957 & 2 Engage in Monetary    Dismissed on US motion.
Transactions in Criminally        (20)
derived property. (4/04/91)
FORFEITURE w/        Respect
to Count 20.

18:1957 & 2 Engage in a           Dismissed on US motion.
Monetary Transaction in           (21)
Criminally   derived property.
FORFEITURE w/       Respect to
Count 21.

Offense Level (disposition): 4



U. S. Attorneys:

  Natalia Combs Greene
  [COR LD]
  US Attorney's Office

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 6

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
  2100 Jamieson Avenue
  Alexandria, VA 22314
  (703) 299-3700

  William T. Henderson
  [COR LD]
  US Attorney's Office
  2100 Jamieson Avenue
  Alexandria, VA 22314
  (703) 299-3700

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 7

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
2/16/94  1       INDICTMENT, a true bill, returned to judge Bryan in open
                 Court & filed as to Lemuel Kinney (1) count(s) 1, 2-5, 6, 7,
                 8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18-19, 20, 21, Electronic Systems
                 Associates, Inc. (2) count(s) 1, 2-5, 6, 7, 8, 9-11, 12-14,
                 15-17, 18-19, 20, 21. Atty. notified. Summonses to issue.
                 (maho) [Entry date 02/22/94] [Edit date 02/23/94]

2/16/94  --      Arraignment set for 9:00 2/28/94 for Lemuel Kinney, for
                 Electronic Systems Associates, Inc. (maho)
                 [Entry date 02/22/94]

2/16/94  2       EX PARTE MOTION  as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems
                 Associates, Inc. by USA for Restraining Order & Brief in
                 support thereof. (maho) [Entry date 02/23/94]

2/16/94  --      Motion hearing held  as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic
                 Systems Associates, Inc. re: [2-1] motion by USA for
                 Restraining Order   before Judge Albert V. Bryan Jr. (
                 Reporter: Farmer)  USA appeared through: Henderson(DOJ).
                 Motion heard ex parte and granted upon presentation of
                 order w/modifications directed by Court. (spoo)
                 [Entry date 02/23/94]

2/16/94  3       ORDER as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems Associates,
                 Inc. granting [2-1] motion by USA for Restraining Order as
                 to Lemuel Kinney (1), Electronic Systems Associates, Inc.
                 (2) entered and filed ( Signed by Judge Albert V. Bryan Jr.
                 ) Copies Mailed: yes (spoo) [Entry date 02/23/94]

2/18/94  --      SUMMONS(ES) issued for Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems
                 Associates, Inc. returnable 2-28-94 at 9:00 for arraignment
                 and given to Marshal for service. (spoo)
                 [Entry date 02/23/94]

2/28/94  --      Arraignment as to Lemuel Kinney  held. Deft. WFA, PNG and
                 demanded trial by jury. 20 days to file motions. Motion
                 Hearing set for 9:00 4/22/94 Jury Trial set for 10:00
                 5/4/94. Appearance of local counsel waived for trial dates.
                 U.S. requests deft. surrender firearms to U.S. Marshal
                 -granted. Order to follow. Deft. directed to surrender
                 passport to Clerk's Office. Passport placed in vault. Deft's
                 bond cont.(?). Hearing on motion to be heard on 3-4-94.
                 before Judge James C. Cacheris ( Reporter: Farmer) USA
                 appeared through: Wm. Henderson & N.Green  Dft(s) appeared
                 with Neil Sanders, T. Taylor (rwar) [Entry date 02/28/94]
                 [Edit date 02/28/94]

2/28/94  --      Initial appearance as to Lemuel Kinney  held  before Judge
                 James C. Cacheris () (Defendant informed of rights.) (rwar)
                 [Entry date 02/28/94]

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 8

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
2/28/94  --      Arraignment as to Electronic Systems Associates, Inc. held.
                 Plea of NG and jury demand entered on behalf of the
                 corporation by co-deft. Lemuel Kinney. 20 days to file
                 motions. Motion Hearing set for 9:00 4/22/94  Jury Trial set
                 for 10:00 5/4/94. All exhibits, etc. to be filed w/clerk w/i
                 5 working days before trial. ;  before Judge James C.
                 Cacheris ( Reporter:Farmer)  USA appeared through:
                 Wm.Henderson & N.Green  Dft(s) appeared with N.Sanders & T.
                 Taylor (rwar) [Entry date 02/28/94] [Edit date 02/28/94]

2/28/94  --      Initial appearance as to Electronic Systems Associates,
                 Inc.  held  before Judge James C. Cacheris ( )  (Defendant
                 informed of rights.) (rwar) [Entry date 02/28/94]

2/28/94  4       MOTION  as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems Associates,
                 Inc. by USA for Pretrial Conference pursuant to the
                 Classified Information Procedures Act (maho)
                 [Entry date 02/28/94]

2/28/94  6       NOTICE of Appearance for Lemuel Kinney by Attorney  Neil
                 Sanders (spoo) [Entry date 03/01/94]

2/28/94  7       NOTICE of Appearance for Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems
                 Associates, Inc. by Attorney  Thomas A. T. Taylor (spoo)
                 [Entry date 03/01/94]

2/28/94  8       NOTICE of Appearance for Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems
                 Associates, Inc. by by local counsel Attorney Joseph
                 Ferrusi (spoo) [Entry date 03/01/94]

2/28/94  9       ORDER as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems Associates,
                 Inc., that the deft. surrender his weapons to the U.S.
                 Marshal in Florida  ( Signed by Judge James C. Cacheris )
                 Copies Mailed. (maho) [Entry date 03/02/94]

3/2/94   10      ORDER granting [4-1] motion by USA for Pretrial Conference
                 pursuant to the Classified Information Procedures Act as to
                 Lemuel Kinney (1), Electronic Systems Associates, Inc. (2)
                 & that such Conference will be held on 3-11-94 @ 9:00a.m.
                 Signed by Judge James C. Cacheris ) Copies Mailed. (maho)
                 [Entry date 03/04/94]

3/4/94   11      MOTION  as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems Associates,
                 Inc. by USA for an Order to protect against the
                 unauthorized disclosure of Classified Information (maho)
                 [Entry date 03/04/94]

3/4/94   12      NOTICE of Hearing as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems
                 Associates, Inc.  Motion Hearing set for 9:00 3/11/94 for
                 [11-1] motion by USA for an Order to protect against
                 unauthorized disclosure of Classified Information (maho)
                 [Entry date 03/04/94]

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 9

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
3/11/94  --      Motion hearing held  as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic
                 Systems Associates, Inc. re: [11-1] motion by USA for an
                 Order to  protect against the unauthorized disclosure of
                 Classified Information -granted. Court will appoint counsel
                 to represent corporation deft. CIPA hearing to be held
                 4-27-94 @10:00 Filings due 4-18-94. Discovery order entered
                 and filed. Local counsel waived at hearings. Deft. Kinney
                 released on $25,000. PR bond with special conditions he
                 live in Florida. before Judge James C. Cacheris (
                 Reporter:Farmer) USA appeared through: Wm.Henderson &
                 N.Green Dft(s) with Neil Sanders. (rwar)
                 [Entry date 03/15/94]

3/11/94  13      ORDER Setting Conditions of Release as to Lemuel Kinney (
                 Signed by Judge James C. Cacheris  ) Copies sent. (rwar)
                 [Entry date 03/15/94]

3/11/94  14      ORDER as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems Associates,
                 Inc.,  for Discovery & Inspection ( Signed by Judge James
                 C. Cacheris  Copies Mailed: y (rwar) [Entry date 03/15/94]

3/11/94  15      ORDER granting [11-1] motion by USA for an Order to protect
                 against the unauthorized disclosure of Classified
                 Information as to Lemuel Kinney (1), Electronic Systems
                 Associates, Inc. (2) ( Signed by Judge James C. Cacheris )
                 Copies Mailed: y (rwar) [Entry date 03/15/94]

3/11/94  16      ORDER as to Electronic Systems Associates, Inc.,
                 Appointing Counsel Stan Powell. ( Signed by Judge James C.
                 Cacheris ) Copies Mailed: y (rwar) [Entry date 03/15/94]

3/11/94  --      Motion hearing  as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems
                 Associates, Inc. re: CIPA motions set for 4-27-94 @10:00.
                 Filings due 4-18-94. (rwar) [Entry date 03/15/94]

3/11/94  --       PR BOND entered by Lemuel Kinney in  Amount $ $25,000.
                 (rwar) [Entry date 03/15/94]

3/14/94  17      MARSHAL'S return on SUMMONS Returned Executed 2/25/94 as to
                 Lemuel Kinney (bonn) [Entry date 03/17/94]

3/14/94  18      MARSHAL'S return on SUMMONS Returned Executed 2/25/94 as to
                 Electronic Systems Associates, Inc. (bonn)
                 [Entry date 03/17/94]

3/14/94  19      MOTION by Electronic Systems Associates, Inc., Lemuel
                 Kinney for Joseph Ferrusi to Withdraw as Attorney Pro Hac
                 Vice (bonn) [Entry date 03/17/94]

3/17/94  --      NOTE:Left message with Joseph Ferrusi to notice motion for
                 withdraw of appearance (bonn) [Entry date 03/17/94]

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 10

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
4/8/94   --      Change of Plea Hearing as to Lemuel Kinney  held  before
                 Judge Leonie M. Brinkema ( McCoy)  USA appeared through:
                 Greene.  Dft(s) appeared w/counsel (Ferrusi).  Deft.
                 entered plea of guilty to cts. 11 and 20 - accepted.  US
                 motion to dismiss remaining cts against Kinney and all cts.
                 against Electric Systems - granted, order to follow.  Deft.
                 directed to PO for PSIR.  Deft. cont. on current bond. (tcoo)
                 [Entry date 04/20/94]

4/8/94   20      Plea Agreement as to Lemuel Kinney - filed in open Court.
                 (tcoo) [Entry date 04/20/94]

4/8/94   21      STATEMENT OF FACTS as to Lemuel Kinney - filed in open
                 Court. (tcoo) [Entry date 04/20/94]

4/8/94   22      ORDER as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems Associates,
                 Inc. dismissing cts. 1-10, 11-19 and 21 of the indictment
                 against Kinney and all counts against Electronic Systems;
                 and vacating the restraining order issued 2/16/94 ( Signed
                 by Judge Leonie M. Brinkema ) Copies Mailed: y (tcoo)
                 [Entry date 04/20/94]

4/8/94   --      DISMISSAL of Count(s) on Government Motion Terminated
                 motions. Counts Dismissed: Lemuel Kinney (1) count(s) 1,
                 2-5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10, 12-14, 15-17, 18-19, 21, Electronic
                 Systems Associates, Inc. (2) count(s) 1, 2-5, 6, 7, 8,
                 9-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18-19, 20, 21 (tcoo)
                 [Entry date 04/20/94]

4/8/94   23      CONSENT ORDER  of partial restitution as to Lemuel Kinney
                 that deft. shall pay partial restitution to the US in the
                 amount of $435,020 and that such payment shall be due
                 immediately ( Signed by Judge Leonie M. Brinkema ) Copies
                 Mailed: y (tcoo) [Entry date 04/20/94]

4/8/94   --      Sentencing  set for 9:00 6/17/94 for Lemuel Kinney,
                 count(s) 20, 11 (tcoo) [Entry date 04/20/94]

5/23/94  24      TRANSCRIPT of proceedings of 04/08/94 (Plea proceedings)
                 (LMB) - filed (bonn) [Entry date 05/23/94]

6/1/94   25      MOTION  as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems Associates,
                 Inc. for sequester of civil restitution by knowledgeable
                 third party & to postpone deft.'s sentencing (maho)
                 [Entry date 06/14/94]

6/10/94  26      RESPONSE by USA as to Lemuel Kinney, Electronic Systems
                 Associates, Inc.  in opposition to [25-1] motion for
                 sequester of civil restitution by knowledgeable third party
                 & to postpone deft.'s sentencing (maho)
                 [Entry date 06/14/94]

6/16/94  27      POSITION with Respect to Sentencing Factors by USA as to
                 Lemuel Kinney (rwar) [Entry date 06/16/94]

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 11

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al

6/21/94  28      Petition for consideration prior to sentening - filed by
                 David Sweigert (ccur) [Entry date 06/21/94]

6/23/94  29      POSITION with Respect to Sentencing Factors by Lemuel
                 Kinney (ccur) [Entry date 06/23/94]

6/23/94  30      NOTICE of Appearance for Lemuel Kinney by Attorney Robert
                 Stanley Powell (maho) [Entry date 06/23/94]

6/24/94  --      Minute entry as to Lemuel Kinney :  before Judge Leonie M.
                 Brinkema ( McCoy)  USA appeared through: Natalia Greene
                 Dft(s) appeared with: R. Stanley Powell; matter on for sent.
                  cont. to 7.29.94 @ 9:00 for G/L sent.; deft. cont. on
                 present bond and released (tsch) [Entry date 06/24/94]
                 [Edit date 06/24/94]

6/24/94  --      Sentencing  set for 9:00 7/29/94 for Lemuel Kinney Lemuel
                 Kinney (1) count(s) 20, 11 (tsch) [Entry date 06/24/94]

7/29/94  --      Sentencing  held  before Judge Leonie M. Brinkema (
                 Hopchas)  USA appeared through: Natalia Combs-Greene
                 Dft(s) appeared with: R. Stanley Powell  Lemuel Kinney (1)
                 count(s) 11, 20; 24 mo.'s B.O.P., vol. surrender to inst.
                 allowed as directed by U.S. Marshal, each ct., conc.; 5
                 yrs. sup. rel., each ct., conc., cond. by $200,000.00 rest.
                  @ 10% of deft.'s income per P.O., full financial
                 disclosure to P.O.; $50.00 SAeach ct.(total $100.00);
                 recomm. for Eglin facility; deft. cont. on present bond and
                 released (tsch) [Entry date 08/03/94]

7/29/94  31      JUDGMENT in a criminal case - entered and filed. Copies to
                 U.S. Marshal, U.S. Atty., P.O., P.T., counsel and VA Board
                 of Elections ( Signed by Judge Leonie M. Brinkema ) (tsch)
                 [Entry date 08/03/94]

8/29/94  32      MOTION by Lemuel Kinney for an Extension of Time w/in
                 which to Report for execution of sentence (maho)
                 [Entry date 08/30/94]

8/29/94  33      ORDER granting [32-1] motion by Lemuel Kinney for an
                 Extension of Time w/in which to Report for execution of
                 sentence & that the deft. is to Report to F.P.C. Eglin
                 A.F.B. not later than 12 noon on 9-14-94 ( Signed by Judge
                 Leonie M. Brinkema )  Copies Mailed: yes (maho)
                 [Entry date 08/30/94]

9/20/94  34      Judgment Returned Executed as to Lemuel Kinney ; on 9-14-94
                 (tsch) [Entry date 09/21/94]

11/28/94 35      MOTION by Lemuel Kinney under 28 U.S.C. sec 2255 to
                 Vacate, Set Aside or Correct Sentence by a person in
                 Federal Custody (maho) [Entry date 12/01/94]

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 12

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
11/30/94 36      AMENDMENT by Lemuel Kinney to Motion under 28 U.S.C. sec.
                 2255 to Vacate, Set Aside or Correct Sentence by a person
                 in Federal Custody. (maho) [Entry date 12/01/94]

12/14/94 37      ORDER as to Lemuel Kinney, that the Petition be filed in
                 forma pauperis & that the U.S. file an answer to the
                 petition w/in 23 days of the date of this Order ( Signed
                 by Judge Leonie M. Brinkema ) Copies Mailed: yes (maho)
                 [Entry date 12/14/94]

12/19/94 38      AMENDMENT by Lemuel Kinney  to deft.'s Motion under 28 USC
                 sec. 2255 to vacate, set aside, or correct sentence by a
                 person in Federal Custody. (maho) [Entry date 12/22/94]

12/21/94 39      MOTION by Lemuel Kinney pursuant to Federal Rules of
                 Appellate Procedure Rule 9(b) "Release in Criminal Cases /
                 Release pending Appeal from a Judgment of Conviction (maho)
                 [Entry date 12/22/94]

12/23/94 40      MOTION by USA to Enlarge its Time to Respond to Deft.'s
                 Petition pursuant to 28 U.S.C. sec. 2255 (maho)
                 [Entry date 12/27/94]

12/23/94 41      THIRD & FINAL AMENDMENT by Lemuel Kinney to deft.'s Motion
                 under 28 U.S.C. sec. 2255 to correct, set aside or vacate a
                 sentence for a person in Federal Custody. (maho)
                 [Entry date 12/27/94]

12/29/94 42      ORDER granting [40-1] Motion by USA to Enlarge its Time to
                 Respond to Deft.'s Petition until 1/11/95 ( Signed by Judge
                 Leonie M. Brinkema )  Copies Mailed: yes (maho)
                 [Entry date 01/03/95]

12/30/94 --      Letter of 12/22/94 to LMB - filed by deft. pro se. (maho)
                 [Entry date 01/03/95]

1/10/95  43      RESPONSE by USA to [35-1] Motion by Lemuel Kinney under 28
                 U.S.C.A. sec 2255 to Vacate, Set Aside or Correct Sentence
                 by a person in Federal Custody tog. w/ attached Appendices
                 in support of same. (maho) [Entry date 01/10/95]

1/17/95  44      AMENDED JUDGMENT:  Lemuel Kinney (1) count(s) 11, 20 .  24
                 mo.'s B.O.P., 5 yrs. sup. rel.; amended 1-17-95 to reflect
                 3 yrs. of sup. rel. not 5 ( Signed by Judge Leonie M.
                 Brinkema ) (tsch) [Entry date 02/01/95]

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 13

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
1/17/95  45      ORDER in accordance w/ the MEMORANDUM OPINION that
                 Petitioner's [35-1] Motion under 28 U.S.C. sec 2255 to
                 Vacate, Set Aside or Correct Sentence by a person in
                 Custody is Denied in all aspects except the one Request to
                 correct the period of Supervised Release, which is Granted
                 & that the J & C entered on 7/29/94 be corrected to read
                 that the period of Supervised Release for each Count is
                 three (3) years, not five years ( Signed by Judge Leonie M.
                 Brinkema )  Copies Mailed: yes (maho) [Entry date 03/31/95]

1/17/95  46      MEMORANDUM OPINION as to Lemuel Kinney ( Signed by Judge
                 Leonie M. Brinkema ) (maho) [Entry date 03/31/95]

1/24/95  47      NOTICE OF APPEAL of Order of 1/17/95 filed by Lemuel Kinney
                 - received 1/31/95, filed 1/24/95 (date of mailing from
                 Institution) (maho) [Entry date 03/31/95]
                 [Edit date 03/31/95]

2/10/95  48      Amended Judgment Returned Executed as to Lemuel Kinney ; on
                 9-14-94 (tsch) [Entry date 02/13/95]
                 [Edit date 03/31/95]

3/20/95  --      Notice of appeal and certified copy of docket as to Lemuel
                 Kinney to USCA: [47-1] appeal of 1/17/95 Order. Copy of
                 transmittal to USAO & deft. pro se. (maho)
                 [Entry date 03/31/95]

3/28/95  49      PETITION by Lemuel Kinney for Disclosure of Grand Jury
                 Proceedings (maho) [Entry date 05/09/95]

4/3/95   50      ORDER denying [49-1] Motion by Lemuel Kinney for Disclosure
                 of Grand Jury Proceedings ( Signed by Judge Leonie M.
                 Brinkema ) Copies Mailed: yes (maho) [Entry date 05/09/95]

5/9/95   --      RECORD transmitted to USCA in three volumes (bonn)
                 [Entry date 05/09/95]

5/30/95  51      ORDER from USCA consolidating the two appeals in this
                 matter as to Lemuel Kinney () Copies Mailed: (bonn)
                 [Entry date 07/20/95]

6/5/95   52      ORDER from USCA that the court consolidates the two appeals
                 in this matter as to Lemuel Kinney (bonn)
                 [Entry date 07/20/95]

8/4/95   53      COPY of opinion of USCA, decided 08/02/95, affirming the
                 decision of the USDC and denying the petition for writ of
                 mandamus. (bonn) [Entry date 08/07/95]

8/28/95  54      LETTER from USCA, dated 08/21/95, stating that a timely
                 petition for rehearing has been filed as to Lemuel Kinney
                 (bonn) [Entry date 08/29/95]

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 14

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al
9/5/95   56      ORDER from USCA that the petition for rehearing and
                 suggestion for rehearing en banc are deneid as to Lemuel
                 Kinney (bonn) [Entry date 09/20/95]

9/13/95  55      CERTIFIED copy of JUDGMENT of USCA, together with opinion,
                 decided 08/02/95, affirming the decision of the USDC and
                 denying the petition for writ of mandamus. (bonn)
                 [Entry date 09/14/95]

9/13/95  --      RECORD received in 3 volumes from USCA as to Lemuel Kinney
                 (bonn) [Entry date 09/15/95]

12/6/95  57      MOTION by Lemuel Kinney under 28 U.S.C. :2255 to vacate,
                 set aside or correct sentence by a person in Federal
                 Custody tog. w/ attached Motion & Exhibits in support of
                 same. (Civil Action 95-1697-AM) (maho) [Entry date 12/07/95]
                 [Edit date 12/07/95]

12/6/95  58      AFFIDAVIT of bias or prejudice of Judge, pursuant to 28 USC
                 :144 filed by Lemuel Kinney. (maho) [Entry date 12/07/95]

1/3/96   59      AMENDMENT by Lemuel Kinney to Motion under 28 USC :2255 to
                 correct, set aside or vacate a sentence for a person in
                 Federal custody. (maho) [Entry date 01/03/96]

3/5/96   60      MOTION by Lemuel Kinney to Expedite (maho)
                 [Entry date 03/05/96]

3/27/96  61      MEMORANDUM OPINION - ent. & filed. ( Signed by Judge Leonie
                 M. Brinkema ) Copies sent. (maho) [Entry date 03/27/96]

3/27/96  62      ORDER in accordance w/ the MEMORANDUM OPINION denying the
                 deft.'s Motion for Recusal; Dismissing w/ Prejudice
                 Petitioner's second [57-1] Motion under 28 U.S.C. :2255 to
                 vacate, aside or correct sentence by a person in Federal
                 Custody; these rulings render Moot Petitioner's [60-1]
                 Motion to Expedite; written Notice of Appeal must be filed
                 w/ the Clerk of this Court w/in 30 days - ent. & filed. (
                 Signed by Judge Leonie M. Brinkema ) Copies Mailed: yes
                 (maho) [Entry date 03/27/96]

4/15/96  63      NOTICE OF APPEAL of order of 03/27/96 filed by Lemuel
                 Kinney (bonn) [Entry date 04/23/96]

4/23/96  --      Notice of appeal and copy of docket entries and order of
                 03/27/96 to USCA. Copy of notice, docket entries and
                 transmittal to all parties. (bonn) [Entry date 04/23/96]

4/23/96  --      RECORD on appeal transmitted to USCA in one volume. (bonn)
                 [Entry date 04/23/96]

5/17/96  --      USCA Case Number as to Lemuel Kinney  Re: [63-1] appeal
                 USCA Number: 96-6666 Case Manager:Wilma Upshur (bonn)
                 [Entry date 05/23/96]

Docket as of August 11, 1997 7:03 pm               Page 15

Proceedings include all events.
1:94cr57-ALL  USA v. Kinney, et al

8/7/96   --      SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD on appeal transmitted to USCA in 4
                 volumes. (bonn) [Entry date 08/07/96]

9/13/96  64      MOTION by Lemuel Kinney to Supplement the Record (maho)
                 [Entry date 09/17/96]

9/18/96  --      Per Judge Brinkema, [64-1] Motion to Supplement the Record,
                 along w/ attached pleadings, forwarded to USCA for
                 Appellate purposes. (maho) [Entry date 09/18/96]

10/24/96 65      COPY of opinion of USCA, decided 10/22/96, affirming the
                 conviction of the USDC. (bonn) [Entry date 10/30/96]

12/17/96 66      CERTIFIED copy of JUDGMENT of the USCA, together with
                 opinion, decided 10/22/96, affirming the conviction of the
                 district court. (bonn) [Entry date 12/31/96]

12/19/96 --      RECORD received from USCA in 5 volumes. (bonn)
                 [Entry date 12/19/96]

1/10/97  67      LETTER from the USCA that a writ of certiorari has been
                 filed as to Lemuel Kinney (bonn) [Entry date 01/21/97]

2/26/97  68      LETTER from the USCA that the Supreme Court has denied the
                 writ of certiorari on 02/18/97 as to Lemuel Kinney (bonn)
                 [Entry date 02/27/97]

8/4/97   69      MOTION by Lemuel Kinney for the Return of the deft.'s
                 Passport (maho) [Entry date 08/11/97]

8/8/97   70      ORDER denying [69-1] Motion by Lemuel Kinney for the Return
                 of the deft.'s Passport ( Signed by Judge Leonie M.
                 Brinkema ) Copies Mailed: yes (maho) [Entry date 08/11/97]

[END OF DOCKET: 1:94cr57-0]
